Colonization and the Revolutionary War
- On the Trail of Captain John Smith - Game
- Jamestown Adventure
- Jamestown
- Lewis and Clark
- Revolutionary War Battles
- Benjamin Franklin
- How Shocking - Benjamin Franklin Game
- Ben's Town - Learn how Benjamin Franklin has helped improve your life
- Benjamin Franklin's Inventions
Westward Expansion
Gold Rush
- Ben's Guide - Quick Facts About Your State
- 50States.com - Major Products (Economy)
- State Facts for Students - Population
- Enchanted Learning - Pictures
- Ben's Guide to US Government - FOR KIDS
- Ben's Guide - Place the State Game (easy)
- Place the State on the blank Map (hard)
- Penguin Hop (MULTI-PLAYER - states and capitals)
- Capital Penguin (SINGLE-PLAYER - states and capitals)
- The First Thanksgiving on Scholastic Kids
- You are the Historian - Investigate the First Thanksgiving